

Confédération Internationale des Agents en Douane (CONFIAD) was founded in 1982 as the organization of the European Customs Brokers, with the purpose of defending and coordinating the professional interests of its members, supporting the harmonization of the legislative, professional and customs regulations at European level.

The four original associations – Consejo General de los Colegios de Agentes y Comisionistas de Aduanas (Spain), Omospondia Ecteloniston tis Ellados (Greece), Federazione Nazionale Spedizionieri Doganali – ANASPED (Italy), and Câmara dos Despachantes Oficiais (Portugal) – established CONFIAD in Venice, Italy, however since then CONFIAD grew up and currently includes eleven associations from nine EU Member States. Eight associations have status of full members, while three others are observer members.

The members of CONFIAD are national associations representing customs brokers in respective EU Member States. CONFIAD has a permanent presence in Brussels and regularly contributes to the policy-making activities of the European institutions in the areas of customs.

Since May 2023, CONFIAD is established as an international non-profit organization (AISBL) under Belgian laws.